Leo’s specialist appointment


Ok so Loopy Leo saw the specialist and we have decided on medication to keep him moving (when he has any bad times) and normal routine as normal.

When Leo is a year old we are going to repeat X-Ray’s and scans and look to do the operation then (7 months time).

Until then hydrotherapy, accupunture and short pavement walks to help muscle development. Also his other exercises with the rehab vet!

So I can breathe a sigh of relief. Of course should the situation become worse and his in a lot of pain the surgery will have to be done sooner but we will cross that bridge when we come to it!

Love you Leo your My super star! XX

Author: nanawoofwoof

Hi I have a border collie pup who sadly was born with a problem with his foot. Sadly the damage wasnt able to be repaired so he had his rear leg removed at 4 days old! I have also adopted 2 Malaysian Tripawds this year called Brad and Leah who are awesome! <3

10 thoughts on “Leo’s specialist appointment”

  1. Sounds like a great plan. And of course he could out grow this and not need surgery that is what we will hope & pray for. Until then Hop on little Leo.
    michelle & Angel Sassy

  2. Definitely! Don’t really want surgery at all! But I don’t think there’s much he can’t over come and still keep on smiling! So proud of my loopy Leo!
    Xxxxx thank you for your support hunny means so much to us both xxx

  3. Such a relief! Loopy Leo is one tough cookie, that’s for sure!

    Sounds like the specialist knows his stuff. His plan makes good sense.

    Thanks for the update.

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  4. I did sit in my van and sob with relief I admit lol Leo however decided to destroy his crate lol think that was a “come on mum your meant to chauffeur me around not just sit! I am on your tour you know” lol XX

  5. So happy to hear this! Leo you take life a little easier now! Mums heart can’t take all this stress.

  6. Would really like that lol but I am sure he had other plans of keeping me on my toes lol
    Thank you xxxx

  7. Sounds like a great plan – I like that you are able to give him some time and see what happens before having to rush into another surgery!

  8. Today he’s a happy boy perfectly comfortable and happy. We went out for a 100metre walk tonight as I was told to allow him to be a puppy when he’s ok to do so, and he was loving it. Especially as Daddy (4 legged) was with him. Both boys walked very proudly together!
    Proud mummy moment and it melted my heart completely X

  9. I think that is a really good idea for a pup so young. Time will tell but for now he’s in such great hands with you, what a lucky boy! We hope things are going smoothly for the whole pack.

  10. Aww thank you Jerry of course if things change then we will have to have surgery but not something I want to do at all. He’s already been through so much and I don’t want to put him through anything else until he’s ready.
    We know playing with his mum is equally dangerous for him as she’s really rough so we are controlling his dos and don’t bless him.
    He’s only allowed full exercise on lead or on his own with us that way prevents any banging about.,
    Mum is good as I have never allowed her to play in my lounge. So it’s our safe spot to prevent him racing around and so much more peaceful to!
    I want to do so much with him but right now it’s just not possible for him to keep up with. Brought lots of brain game toys so hopefully he will be just as happy for the time being X

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